Uniqlo Pants With Striped Tee From Rue La La

Hi Friends!

Have you ever heard of Uniqlo?  I hadn't either until last weekend.  One of our best friends got married and a ton of our college friends came into town.  They were going a little nuts over this store call Uniqlo.

The best way to describe it is a Japanese version of H&M.  Mid-quality basics at a great price.  I picked up some amazing lightweight layering tanks form their "Airism" line and some of these elastic pants.  Do you all remember the tights from the late 80's with the stirrups?  Well, these are the adult version without the stirrups and I love them.

This is what I wore on this casual spring day to go get my hair done.

 SHOP:  Rue La La Tee (Similar) |  Uniqlo Pants (similar)  |  Shoes from Taiwan (similar)  |  LV Bag  | Etsy Necklace



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